Angela & Liam's Birth Story of Baby Madison

Angela & Liam's Birth Story of Baby Madison Elise

So I received a beautiful text message from Angela sharing the special news that their daughter Madison Elise, was born on the 17th January 2018, at 5:40pm, weighing 7pound 5oz, 3.4kgs.

She said "Thanks so much Nikki, we are incredibly smitten! Of course share away! I’m still in the process of writing our birth story, unfortunately, birth didn’t go exactly to plan and I was rushed to theatre and don’t have a lot of memory of what exactly happened, so Liam is working with me to write it. But you are most welcome to share the photos. Thank you for all your guidance and support leading up to the birth of our perfect little girl. I honestly couldn’t have gotten through it without the techniques and fear release."

I later received an email from Angela with her birth story that she had put together with your husband Liam. I am so grateful they shared their story with me and have given me permission to share it here. Angela and Liam were one of my first Connected Hypnobirthing clients and I absolutely loved sharing the Hypnobirthing Australia™ course with them. They kindly welcomed me into their home to teach them a full private workshop back in September. Angela and Liam also had an extra fear release session with me closer to the due date when discussion around induction with their care providers came up and some anxiety started to set back in. Angela did have an induction in the end but I think her body was very ready by then with all her hypnobirthing practice and body preparation because she went into labour few hours after the induction gels. In the end, baby distress, something out of their control and unanticipated did mean baby Madison was born by forceps in theatre but both Liam and Angela rode the waves of labour and made it a calm and positive experience even with all the turns in their journey. Here is their story...

'Hey Nikki,

Better late than never, I'm sorry it has taken me so long to provide this to you, as I said in my message to you last week, unfortunately I don't remember a lot due to the drugs they gave me in theatre so I have had to rely on Liam to fill in a lot of the blanks...anyways, here is my birthing story.

As planned, I went on Tuesday 16th January to be induced at 5pm, it appeared I was already having contractions (didn't really know I was at this point) and I was induced using the gels after failure with the balloon catheter at 11pm.

At 2:30am Wednesday morning, I woke up to contractions only minutes apart and at this stage I was 3cm dilated. After 8 hours of labour I opted for an epidural, it was then that Labour progressed rather quickly, And I had gone from 3cm to 7cm within an hour and half. I was told my labour was progressing too quickly and that Madison was under a lot of distress, causing her heart rate to drop dramatically so the doctors/midwives decided to slow labour down.

Once Madison was stable enough, the doctors sped it up again and I then became fully dilated and it was finally time to push. After pushing for about an hour with little progress, Madison's heart rate continues to decrease rapidly, at this point we were rushed to theatre for an attempt at forceps delivery but likely a c-section. Once in theatre things moved so quick, I was prepped and then told to push, I remember could feel the force/pressure of the doctor using the forceps. After attempting to push the doctor gave me one last push or I was going to have to have the c-section. I then gave this almighty push and was able to birth our baby girl with the assistance of forceps. Unfortunately, we didn't get a lot of time with Madison, she had arrived she unfortunately came out requiring resuscitation. But thanks to the amazing staff at the WCH, we have our girl home all healthy.

Liam and I also cannot thank you enough for all your guidance and support through our journey. Hypnobirthing is something I will truly treasure as not a lot of my birthing story was in my control but I was able to remain calm and birth my baby, my biggest dream had finally come true.'


Such incredible strength from them both and what a team they made! It was an honour and my absolute pleasure to be apart of their journey! I am glad Hypnobirthing is something that they will treasure but mainly that their dreams have been come true by having their truly desired and long awaited and wanted baby finally in their arms.

Nikki x 

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